From the inside out.

If you’re here, it means you’re seeking. You’re looking for something to change, for solutions, for new possibilities. Welcome. I’m a seeker like you. I believe that the time is now. We live in unprecedented times and we’re being called to do things differently. Many of our habits are not sustainable and not fair. Many of us lack depth, meaning and purpose in our daily jobs.

That’s why so many of us feel restless.

It’s time to go within and become aware of our potential, own up to our talents, speak our truth and dare to do things differently. Joy and satisfaction are the feelings we’re looking for. They indicate that we are on the right path.

It's about transformation.

I became a coach over a decade ago after undergoing a long personal journey – a dark night of the soul – where my world got turned upside down and inside out. I left my corporate job in communications – that I had loved – to study, travel and heal. There was much to heal as many years of playing basketball and trying to fit into leadership roles had taken their toll on my body, mind and spirit.

Through intense personal development and training, I reclaimed my authenticity and began creating a life and work style that fit me. It is through that process that I realized that many of us live according to what we have been taught or what we think is the way to do business. Not true and dangerous.

I love the coaching process because it helps people like me who didn’t previously question life as presented by society and who went full-on with the cards they were dealt until they realize it just doesn’t work. Or people who hit a major road block and want to overcome it. People who want more depth and more conscience. People who want to make lasting change.

Over the years, I developed my own style.

So here's how I show up:

State of Mind & Energy

Without energy, nothing gets done. To make the changes that you want, you’ll need energy so that’s a big part of the job I do with my clients. We take the time to understand what gives and what drains their energy. We spend the appropriate time to boost their energy level so that the rest of the journey can be done, feeling great.

Your state of mind creates your reality. That’s right. What you think, how you feel about something creates your experience and influences your actions. So along with your energy, we’ll take a close look at your state of mind.

Sense of Purpose & Responsibility

If you landed on my website, there is a good chance that deep within, you feel like you’re on this Earth to accomplish something, that you have a purpose. It’s a nudge. It won’t leave you alone. It’s asking you to take a look and make some changes.

You want your lifestyle and the way you handle business to reflect your inner urge to make a difference. You even feel that it’s your responsibility.

My role is to help you own up to the sense of purpose and responsibility, to look at it, get familiar with it, understand it and go for it.

Sensitivity for the World around us

I’m a sensitive person. I feel everything around me. It took me years to figure it out and learn to separate what comes from me and what comes from the outside world. Then it took me years to see it as a gift and understand how to use it.

In my coaching, I often spend time helping my clients to develop emotional, relational & spiritual skills so that they can efficiently use their sensitivity at work and in their relationships. In the end, it’s all about nurturing. Sensitivity pushes us to nurture ourselves.

Imperfect Action

Coaching is super practical. It’s about pushing you to build awareness on something, shifting it and sending you out into the world to practice a new behavior. It’s never perfect and it’s not the objective.

The objective is for you to do and to train. Through training you can gain mastery. And that only comes through practice. Take it from a former international basketball player.

So action, it is.

“The more room you give yourself to express your true thoughts and feelings, the more room there is for your wisdom to emerge.”

- Marianne Williamson

Let’s discuss how I can help you over a free 30-minute phone conversation.

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