Your story, your personal brand, your leadership style.

Personal branding is the art of using your story to professionally position yourself, to define your leadership style. The days when being professional meant leaving your personality, your emotions and your aspirations at home are finally gone. And that’s for the best! It however requires you to be clear with who you are and what you want.

Your leadership style must reflect who you are at a deeper level and not who you think you should be to be in a leadership position. You are to lead with all of your being, with your own style. People will feel it and respect your authenticity. It’s so inspiring to be around a wholesome leader.

4 principles to develop your own leadership style


I will guide you to explore and clarify your goals, your strengths and your values. We will also bring light onto your blind or weak spots that you should watch out for.

The objective is for you to become aware of who you are and what your really want, deep within.


We'll then clarify your personal vision and bring out the leader that's within you, what brings you alive and what keeps you awaken.

The goal of that step is for you to declare where you want to be and create a plan to get there.


Communications skills are part of what it takes to lead. It is through communication that you will inspire your team and that you will generate excitement around your ideas.

This step is all about your presence, your influence and how to impact with authenticity.


To be clear about your leadership style means nothing if you don't use it, train it, tweak it, share it through concrete projects and collaborations.

This part of the coaching program is about testing it out in the real world with your team and co-workers and making the necessary adjustment to make it more and more comfortable.

Who is it for?

This program was created specifically for professionals who are responsible for projects and teams, who are stepping into new roles or who want to take their career to the next level.

Before role and functions, this program is for curious, open-minded people who believe all of us can make a difference, who believe in their personal power (or want to believe in it!) to contribute to a better world: to those who want to do things differently, explore new possibilities, step out of the box.

"I was stuck in my career path in a multinational company. Patricia helped me take stock of my situation, assess my skills and potential and more importantly gave me the confidence to challenge my management. Not only was the journey interesting and successful (I was promoted during the coaching program), it was a very inspiring  discovery of the scope of possibilities."Patrick

What can you expect?

Greater presence and more confidence

Clarity on your vision and your added value

Positive influence and authentic impact

Visibility on what is important to you

Expanded mind, greater options and freedom

How it works

In our first meeting, we'll determine a program together based on your needs and then we'll meet or talk by phone or over Zoom for 90-minute coaching sessions.

Pre- and post-session homework

Depending on your needs, I'll have you take one or two self-awareness assessments.

E-mail support throughout the program

Let's discuss how I can help you over a free 30-minute phone conversation.

Get started!