Start your own, unique business.

Do you want to leave a mark by creating your own business? Do you want a home-based business so that you can be there for your children? You want to do business on your own terms? Bring more joy into the world through your activities? You want your business to contribute to your dream lifestyle?

Whatever your motivation, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve been helping business creators build their organizations from the ground up for the past decade.

My approach is based on 6 success principles


Tap into your inner resources to succeed


Define what you’ll do and how


Clarify on who you want to work


Create your products/services and your prices


Imagine your communications strategy


Bringing it all into a roadmap

“Désireuse d’ouvrir une consultation en hypnothérapie, en complément de mon job d’infirmière de soins à domicile, je ressentais le besoin d’être guidée et soutenue, dans ce nouveau défi. Ayant rencontré Patricia dans une autre de ses activités, elle m’a proposé un suivi sur 9 mois. Nous nous sommes donc vues une fois par mois, échangeant sur les diverses stratégies, outils à mettre en place. Nous avons fixé des objectifs, lors de notre première rencontre. En 6 mois, j’avais déjà atteint ceux-ci, grâce à la qualité de l’accompagnement de Patricia. Ce suivi m’a, à son terme, permis de réveiller en moi la fibre entrepreneuriale, et par conséquent, je repars avec de nombreux projets… Bref, Patricia m’a permis d’incarner mes rêves, et d’en relever de nouveaux… A suivre!”

Émilie PerrolazHypnothérapeute

What will you get out of it?

Your business structure

Everything you need to create your marketing material

Clearly defined products, prices and delivery style

A clear vision of your clients and how you want to interact with them

Your action plan to grow your business

Strength, courage and confidence to do things your own way

How it works

Over a 4-6 months process, we’ll go through these 6 keys to prepare all the elements of your business. I’ll help you to build a structure that is adapted to your style and needs, clearly define products or services, create all the elements for your communication tools and above all develop the mindset of a business owner.

We'll do two assessments to strengthen your self-awareness, highlight your strengths and your warnings, define what puts you in your best state. The two assessments we'll do are the FLOW and the DISC.

7x 90-minute meetings in person or on zoom.

We'll define actions that you'll need to do between our sessions.

Let's discuss how I can help you over a free 30-minute phone conversation.

Get started!